45 Amazing Benefits of Using Rattan Furniture

One of the hottest trends in the world of decor and design, rattan furniture is rocketing in popularity for both indoors and outdoors use. Elegant and stylish to look at yet strong and durable, it’s little surprise that there’s such a demand for this versatile piece of furniture. We take a closer look at 45 of the amazing benefits of this fantastic piece of furniture.

1) Traditional design

Rattan is not the same as wicker; rattan refers to the strong vine material whilst wicker is a description of the centuries old techniques used to craft furniture. The woven design is instantly recognisable as a traditional design which has been around for an extremely long time, and is as popular now as it was in the past.

2) Contemporary look

Although rattan is a very traditional material used to create woven natural pieces of furniture, it has been updated to create a very funky and contemporary style. With the use of minimalistic colours and patterns on the upholstery, modern rattan looks very different to furniture of the past and is unmistakably a fashion-forward piece of decor.

3) Complementary for every decor

The fusion of traditional techniques and contemporary styling means that rattan furniture is in the enviable position of working with all types of decor. Whether you have an antique theme or have opted for a simple and monochrome modern vibe, rattan furniture will complement your other pieces, adding texture and an unexpected twist.

4) Suitable for interior design

Rattan is particularly known for being suitable for use in the garden but it’s also a superb material for household furniture too. Traditionally used in the conservatory, rattan is starting to appear in rooms all over the house because of its unique qualities which can’t be replicated by other materials. Looking elegant and being totally functional are no longer mutually exclusive thanks to rattan design.

5) Economical

A premium material, rattan is certainly not cheap and cheerful, but compared to other materials, it’s an extremely economical buy. Not only is this because the purchase price is very competitive, but also because it lasts so long. This durability means that you won’t have to replace it as quickly, making what you pay for it a truly worthwhile investment.

6) On-trend

Rattan is a material which is gathering more popularity all of the time, for an increasing number of uses. A type of furniture which has always been much in demand, appetite is spiralling even higher because of the desire to seek out new materials for home decor. Rattan offers benefits not found in more traditional furniture materials, such as timber, and homeowners are discovering how good it looks in every room in the house. The trend for rattan shows no sign of stopping, or even slowing down, any time soon.

7) Comfortable

No matter how trendy a piece of furniture is, if it’s not comfortable, you’re soon going to tire of it and be keen to buy a replacement. Rattan is one of the most comfortable seats you can get, offering a very slight yield but with good support too. Coupled with the soft upholstered cushions (which help to prevent sagging) you’ll find a rattan chair welcomes you into its arms without sucking you too far into its depths.

Add some cushions for extra comfort and style

8) Attractive

Of course, while comfort is possibly one of the most important priorities in a chair or sofa, you won’t want to sacrifice stylish good looks either. Thankfully with rattan you can have the best of both worlds. Not only is it soft and relaxing to sit on, it also looks sensational in every room. Rattan is a stylish and sophisticated material and will be a real feature piece in your decor.

9) Perfect for the garden

Rattan is perhaps most associated with garden furniture and there’s no denying that its intrinsic qualities make it perfect for use outdoors. Able to shrug off the extremes of the weather, while looking natural and complementing your garden decor, rattan is the first choice for any kind of outdoors furniture, from daybeds to loungers.

Rattan furniture is perfect in the garden

10) Links up interior and exterior

The boundaries between outdoors and in have become increasingly blurred and one of the hottest looks is to create a flow between the two environments which is almost seamless. Because rattan is a suitable material for both indoors and out, it’s the obvious choice to create this all-encompassing style which allows both the decking and garden furniture to match effortlessly with the furniture inside the home.

11) Great in damp environments

Rattan is impervious to damp or humid conditions so it’s suitable for use in any room in the house. Unlike other types of material, rattan can be used in damp conditions which means you don’t have to worry about whether your table, chair or sofa will be damaged by the room’s environment. This quality means that you can use rattan in kitchens, conservatories and even bathrooms without causing any damage to the exterior.

12) Can withstand heavy use

In the past rattan furniture may have been more associated with occasional use, such as in a conservatory or garden only. However, modern furniture is far more robust and is capable of withstanding heavy and regular use. It’s therefore just as suitable as lounge furniture as in rooms which are less frequently used.

13) Natural looking

Although rattan comes in a range of colours, it’s perhaps best known for its natural, light wooden-type colour. Although the majority of rattan furniture is synthetic – natural rattan doesn’t offer the same advantages – it still looks as natural as the real thing. This light colouring is highly desirable for both indoor and outdoor use.

14) Won’t peel or warp

In damp or humid environments, other types of material can peel or warp, leaving you with the cost of buying a replacement sooner than you had planned. With rattan you don’t need to worry about how damp or humid the environment is, your furniture won’t peel or warp. This makes it a great investment, and one which will last.

15) Perfect for families

The robust nature of rattan means that it’s the perfect material for use with families. Capable of withstanding heavy use, but comfortable and supportive too, it’s a great material for both seating and tables for families. Lightweight enough not to inflict serious damage but heavy enough to be sturdy, rattan is the perfect option whether you’re in the dining room or the lounge.

Rattan furniture is perfect for families

16) Variety of colours

Although a natural colour is extremely popular, one of the big benefits of rattan is that it’s now available in a range of different colours. From dark coffee to jet black, light caramel to warm walnut, soft grey to icy white, there’s a whole host of hues which rattan furniture can be found in. Some designs are also offered with a subtle pattern, picking out the colours of the weave to show it off to the best advantage.

Rattan is available in a variety of colours

17) Complements an eco-design

Natural and eco-friendly decor themes are increasingly popular, particularly as green and environmental issues continue to become even more of a priority. Although most rattan furniture is actually synthetic, it has the appearance of a natural organic substance, being almost indistinguishable from furniture made from the real thing. This means that rattan works incredibly well in any home which has a natural and eco-design theme, complementing existing furniture perfectly.

18) Matching accessories

Rattan furniture is available is many different forms, from daybeds to loungers, dining sets to sofas, but there’s also a range of accessories which complement the theme too. Patio heaters, gazebos and even a lazy Susan for the table, all are available with a rattan edging to help them match the rest of the decor.

19) Texture

One of the most attractive features about rattan is the smooth yet bumpy texture which is almost irresistible to the fingertips. It’s this texture which provides rattan with such a visually appealing design; the weave of the natural-looking fibres has been traced by fingertips and admired by eyes for many centuries.

20) Easy to repair

Unlike other types of material, rattan is remarkably resilient and won’t easily break or tear. However if any splits do appear over time, they can simply be repaired in a matter of minutes. All that’s needed is some boiled linseed oil (not raw as it won’t set) which should be brushed over the split area until no more can be absorbed. The excess oil should then be wiped away and the chair left to set and harden. This is all that’s needed to restore its immaculate good looks!

21) Won’t corrode

Rattan furniture is wrapped around a metal base which helps to provide its structure with a bit more strength and shape, giving it an immoveable core. Rattan won’t corrode but as this metal base is made from powdered aluminium, this won’t corrode either. This non-corrosive base offers up far more opportunities for use, as there are no concerns over rust or exposure to water.

Wrapped around a metal base, rattan won’t corrode

22) Order online

Rattan is widely available and can easily be found online for purchase. Make sure whoever you buy from is recommended, has good reviews and uses rattan, not €˜wicker’. Only rattan offers the same unique combination of strength and resilience but by buying online you can browse for as soon as you want, without any pushy salespeople to make sure you get the model you really like.

23) Popular range

The unique qualities of rattan mean it’s a material which is continuing to rocket in popularity, with an increasing number of designs and options arriving onto the market. This popularity means there’s an even greater choice of styles than before, allowing homeowners to have their favourite material, rattan, without being restricted to the style or type of furniture they can buy.

24) Space saving design

Although many types of furniture can be found in space saving designs, rattan works particularly well because it is so lightweight. Simply constructed with just rattan and an aluminium frame, it’s not bulky and can be created in a very slimline model. There are also specific space saving rattan cube sets <INSERT LINK TO Rattan Cube Sets> which slot together neatly when not in use, eliminating the amount of room needed to accommodate a table and chairs.

25) Easy to deliver

Some styles of rattan are stackable, but all are lightweight without being fragile, meaning they are particularly easy to transport compared to other types of furniture. This means that if you buy online you won’t have to fork out for hefty delivery costs, and you can still purchase a stylish piece of furniture very economically.

26) Variety of sizes

Whether you want a bijou bistro set or a sprawling rattan corner sofa, there’s rattan furniture to suit your needs. Offered in a range of sizes from the small and space saving to the large and luxurious, rattan furniture can fulfil your decor needs without fail.

Rattan corner sofas are an ideal solution for the home

27) Won’t wear out

Some materials can look sensational on the shop floor but a short while after you get them home start to look tired and jaded. That isn’t the case with rattan. Easy to look after and simple to maintain, it will look as good as new for many years after you bought it. Its innate strength and robustness mean that it will continue to function just as well and won’t wear out within a short space of time. This makes rattan a very shrewd investment.

28) Stain resistant

Rattan sofas and chairs only have a small amount of upholstery compared to more traditional designs and tables don’t have any. This added to the fact that rattan is very easy to clean, means that the entire design is very stain resistant. If you spill anything on the rattan, it can usually be wiped off immediately without any risk of staining the material itself.

29) Allows a matching theme throughout

One of the most contemporary ways to decorate the home is to create a common theme that runs throughout. This might be carpet, colour or a type of furniture in each room. Rattan offers a great way to create a matching theme throughout the house, being suitable for use in every room. Rattan tables in the dining room, sofas in the lounge and easy chairs in the bedroom ensure that the decor in your whole home will be stylish and classy.

30) Durable

Rattan is a material that will last and last, even when it’s used on a regular basis. A particularly strong type of furniture, it takes very little maintenance yet despite this is one of the most durable items you can buy. With the smallest amount of care and attention, you can practically guarantee that your rattan furniture will be looking as good as new many years after you purchased it.

31) Easy to maintain

With rattan furniture you might be wondering what kind of complex cleaning regime is required in order to keep it in tip top condition. You’ll therefore be delighted to learn that it’s one of the easiest types of furniture to look after. Just give it a wipe over with a damp cloth or vacuum out the dust occasionally from the crevices and that’s all you need to do!

32) Weather resistant

One of the reasons that rattan is so popular in the garden is that it’s weather resistant. This means that it won’t degrade in the cold, nor wilt in the heat and can even cope with arctic conditions! This coupled with its ability to handle damp and wet conditions, means that it’s perfect for hassle-free garden furniture.

33) Strong

Natural rattan is one of the strongest materials in the world, rivalling concrete and graphite for strength. Synthetic rattan has mimicked this natural strength, and provides a weave which is tough, durable and almost impossible to break with normal use. It’s this resilience and intensity which makes it one of the top choices for furniture of all types, including that which will enjoy regular use.

34) Waterproof

Rattan furniture is naturally waterproof which is why it copes so well with the outdoors environment. Rainwater will simply run off and damp rooms such as a bathroom won’t have any effect, leaving the core material intact and in great condition. If you need to give your rattan furniture a really good wash, you can even turn the hosepipe on it, and rinse it down really thoroughly. Patting it with paper towels before leaving it to dry thoroughly is all that’s needed to keep it in great shape.

35) Ready to use outdoors

This ability to withstand the worst of the British weather means that the rattan furniture can be kept outside all year round. If you fancy a hot chocolate outside in the middle of winter, you won’t need to drag it all out of storage. Whenever you want to use your rattan furniture, it will be set up and ready to go, offering you the opportunity to enjoy some spontaneous outdoors time.

36) Matches garden decor

Synthetic rattan furniture looks like its natural relation, so in a garden environment it fits in perfectly. In addition, there’s a range of rattan accessories which mean that the furniture can blend it with the surroundings. Rattan storage boxes and rattan planters help to create an overall theme for the garden which is harmonious and balanced.

37) Eliminates need for storage

The readiness of rattan furniture in the garden and its ability to withstand the weather means that there’s no need to pack it all away. Trying to find storage room for a large patio set can be difficult and can take up the space in your shed, meaning you’ve no way of fitting anything else in. Because rattan furniture can withstand the elements with no ill effects, storage is no longer required.

Rattan storage boxes are a perfect space saving solution

38) Mould resistant

Damp, wet and humid conditions can play havoc with expensive furniture, causing wood to warp and peel away. If left for too long, mould and mildew spores can develop, creating a very unhealthy environment, particularly for the lungs. Rattan furniture won’t develop mould because it is resistant to the damp and wet, and unaffected by humid air. This is a great advantage if you’re in a house which has a tendency to become damp or wet.

39) Intricate design

Despite its great strength, rattan can be used to create a great number of intricate designs and weaves. The synthetic vine is supple and can be woven into very complex patterns, setting off the overall design to perfection. For these kinds of designs, it’s essential to choose a plain and minimalistic style of upholstery so that the subtlety of the weave isn’t overshadowed.

40) Allergen-free

Although rattan can hold some dust and dirt in the crevices between the weaves, with the help of a hoover it’s very easy to suck up the grime. Upholstery on rattan furniture is fairly minimal so you won’t have a lot of fabric to attract dirt or dust, potential causes of allergies. Fleas, mites and other allergens can thrive and hide more easily on a fabric sofa than on a rattan one.

41) UV-resistant

Although it’s great news that rattan doesn’t degrade in the cold weather, it’s also important to know whether the sunshine will have any effect too. Most type of rattan are treated which means that they are UV resistant, and therefore won’t fade or start to split in hot weather.

42) Removable cushions

The upholstery on rattan furniture is one of the most vulnerable parts as it requires more shelter from the elements and will also need to be cleaned occasionally. This is no great feat however, as the cushions are entirely removable and the covers simply zip off.

43) Smart al-fresco dining

If you’re choosing to eat outside, you might not want to feel like you’re €˜roughing it’ a bit and would instead still prefer to feel as if you are eating properly and with decorum. A rattan table brings all of the class and style of a traditional dining room into the outdoors space, offering smart al fresco dining for everyone.

Rattan table and chairs

44) Invisible frame

Most types of rattan are wrapped around an aluminium frame, which provides an inner strength and stability to the design. However, although this frame runs throughout the whole of the chair, you won’t see the frame poking through any gaps in the weave. The shiny surface of the aluminium is powdered which means that it won’t reflect through and will instead be an invisible source of support.

45) Machine washable

The rattan frame itself can easily be wiped down and washed when necessary but the upholstery which is attached can also be easily cleaned when needed too. After being zippered off, the covers can usually be rinsed through in the washing machine and then fired before being return to the furniture looking as immaculate as the day they were bought. Conclusion The amount of amazing benefits there are to using rattan is quite remarkable. A material which is strong yet intricate, lightweight yet tough and practical yet beautiful, rattan furniture is a great choice for both indoors and out. These 45 benefits are just the beginning of what’s so fabulous about rattan – why not see if you can come up with any more of your own?